amanda's blog
I'm reaching,
reaching for a helping hand

No one knows,
what it's like to see nothing.

All day long,
I hear about the beauties
of the surrounding world,
but I can never see them.

People always feel sorry for me
because I am blind.

But I look at it this way,
I know nothing but blindness.

I don't know beauty,
I don't know pretty,
I don't know what the world looks like.

I have never seen the sun,
I have never seen the moon,
I have never seen a rainbow.

I've heard of them all,
but I can't see them.

I wish I could see the day,
I wish I could see the night,
I wish I could see my mother's face

No one knows how hard it is
to go through life.....being blind.
9/9/2010 01:20:14 am

Like this poem. it sounds like something Stevie Wonder would say. Do you know sometone blind? Nice homepage. I like your dogs. Sorry that two of them died.

9/10/2010 02:16:38 am

Great emotional poem. Flowed very well throughout the whole poem. I feel you captured the mindset of someone who is blind very well. My only suggestion is that while you are mentioning the good they can't see, also mention the bad that shields them from the evil of life. All in all, great poem!


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    Well, my name is Amanda, I am in high school. I love to play sports, and do basically anything outside. I've done alot in the technical field at my old school.


    September 2010
    August 2010



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