amanda's blog

I'm running, running fast,
as if I were in a marathon,

All I hear is my blood pumping
through my vains as water
flowing down a rushing river.

Everything is a blur,
as I am running.
The houses, the surroundings,
I see none.

I look back and see this dog,
chasing me
and it makes me go faster.

Finally I notice
I hear nothing
but my own heavy breathing,
and my blood pumping.

The dogs is gone,
and I am safe.

9/10/2010 01:30:52 am

this poem is full of adrenaline just through the writing. its full of exageration("running so fast everything is a blur"), i like it, its exiting. :) good job amanda!

9/10/2010 01:33:37 am

I really like the descriptive nature of this poem. You described running perfec tly its a good poem.


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    Well, my name is Amanda, I am in high school. I love to play sports, and do basically anything outside. I've done alot in the technical field at my old school.


    September 2010
    August 2010



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